Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

The field I work in is very large. The formats and contents vary depending on the requirements and target group. All my offers are tailored accordingly. Here is a small selection of my fields of work and formats:
- Consulting and development of integrated strategies and mission statements regarding diversity, equality and inclusion
- Implementation of strategies and mission statements on diversity, equality and inclusion
Methodology and measures, adapted to your requirements, can consist of:
- Training and professional development (e.g. diversity dimensions, unconscious bias, diversity-sensitive language, inclusive project management)
- Management training/ coaching
- Trainings on all diversity aspects and their direct implementation
- Large Group Processes/ Open Forum after Deep Democracy/ Process Work/ Worldwork (Drs. Max and Ellen Schupbach)
- Lectures, moderation
- Developing and creating guidelines for dealing with specific groups (e.g. Trans* guidelines within the company)
- Publications in specialist journals and books

Conflict and Communication
Communication and conflicts are central components of human existence.
Diverse groups and societies often generate more conflicts, different
points of view and perspectives are negotiated.
My approaches to work in these areas are based on process work /
deep democracy. It is about inner communication and conflicts,
but also communication and conflicts in teams and groups,
small groups and societies.
I support/facilitate in inner work for individuals,
but also in teams and in social processes.
The identifying of structures, roles and privileges are central
and help to solve conflicts. The aim is usually to learn/establish
a good conflict culture, since every conflict always holds the
possibility of building a relationship.
- Individual coaching for decision making, e.g. for the organization of retirement
- Team Conflicts
- Facilitation of research activities on East/West German past and present

Dying, Death and Grieving
Dying, death and grieving are a big part of our lives,
but too often they are still ignored and simply suppressed.
Often the loss and the immeasurable pain are at the centre.
These are important and yet there is so much more that is worth looking at.
A well and conscious grieving for everything that is lost and past,
be it people, events in our private and professional lives and/or
on a material and immaterial level, facilitates the life
which is beyond survival. Sometimes only a good grieving
process enables us to go on living and not just to survive.
Only what is good grieving? It is at the same time individual
and yet follows structures - rituals and processes may offer
support and enable the next step.
Dealing with dying in the small everyday things and in the bigger picture allows
a successful life. I am firmly convinced that it is only possible in combination.
We can die well if we live well. And what is a good life?
Death Café – Questions & Answers & Cake
Dying, death and grieving for Healt Care Students (St. Jakobushaus Goslar)
Suddenly and unexpectedly - dying, death and grieving in organisations