Kathrin Tietze
The way I work

Central to my approach is a human rights and anti-discrimination based work. I work intersectional, paying attention both to individual learning and structural processes of discrimination and power relations.
I work process-oriented, from a power-critical white perspective. In concrete terms, this means for me that, for example, in addition to the content of the seminars and workshops, I try to recognise power and exclusion structures on the level of the seminars' implementation, to specify them if possible, and to let the exploration of the structures become part of the learning process.
I am enthusiastic about working with people, individually or in groups, to be part of a process in which, ideally, movements are created in people's minds and hearts. These movements do not have to be huge.
The subject areas in which I move are mostly existential and every small movement is basically a major step. To initiate and accompany part of these movements fills me with great happiness.
Additionally, I believe, successful learning requires a good sense of humour. I love to have fun at work and so does hopefully everyone I have the pleasure of working with.
I am part of various professional formal and informal, national and
international networks, e.g. The Global Leadership Academy supported by GIZ, Germany.
or the Process-work community
Regular further training and the exchange amongst colleagues ensure the quality of my work.
You can also choose between face-to-face and online formats. These are adapted and tailored to the respective contexts and target groups.

- Studied Educational Science (Major, Diploma) with the minor subjects Psychology and English Linguistics and Medieval Studies at the Universities of Giessen, Germany and Lancaster, UK
- Additional qualifications in the areas of seminar facilitation, change management, organizational development, facilitation of large groups and conflicts (deep democracy/ process work/ world work), grief processes and support
- Over 20 years of scientific and applied experience in the fields of diversity, equal opportunities, inclusion, anti-discrimination, human rights work, racism-critical approach, Critical Whiteness
- In-depth knowledge of the various dimensions of diversity, e.g. age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion
- Over 15 years of experience in implementing diversity and inclusion strategies and policies in local and global organisations at German, European and global level
- Experience in working with public institutions, c ompanies and NGOs - nationally and internationally
- Martial arts of Aikido and Gestalttanz are primarily part of my leisure time. However, as all is connected there are sometimes overspills in both directions.

- Diversität und Inklusion in der Auswärtigen Kultur- und Bildungspolitik:
Grundlagen und Empfehlungen für eine Umsetzung in der Praxis (2021)
- ifa-Edition Kultur und Außenpolitik
- Beyond gender – From individuals to structures (2021) in K. Miller, K. Wendt (ed) (2021) The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its Impact on Ethics - Solving the Challenges of the Agenda 2030, Springer (in preparation)
- Diversity Toolkit: Diversity in administration (2019).
Download the toolkit here (german only):
- How to start an emotion-reflective journey in
M. F. Özbilgin et al. (eds.)(2019), Global Diversity
Management, Management for Professionals,
- „Vom Fühlen und Heilen, Konflikten und
Gemeinschaft – Arbeiten mit Deep Democracy“ Diversity Magazin, idm Band 3, Ausgabe 1,
September 2017
- Not publicly available:
Guidelines for dealing with gender diversity in the organisation
Guidelines for dealing with sexual diversity in the organisation

- Aranat, Lübeck, Germany
- ADP Employer Services, Germany
- Bremische Evangelische Kirche, Bremen, Germany
- British Council, London, UK
- Caritas Berlin, Germany
- FU Berlin, Germany
- Freiwilligenagentur, Bremen, Germany
- HansaFlex, Bremen, Germany
- Hochschule Bremen, Germany
- ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, Germany
- irc - international rescue committee, Berlin, Germany
- neuland - Büro für Informatik, Bremen, Germany
- St. Jakobushaus, Goslar, Germany
- Staatskanzlei Thüringen, Erfurt, Germany
- Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Europa Land Bremen, Germany
- Starthaus, Bremen, Germany
- Stifterverband, Essen, Germany
- TU Dortmund, Germany
- Universität Bremen, Germany
- Wikimedia e.V., Berlin, Germany
- ZIM Centre for Intercultural Management & Diversity, University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany

I share my knowledge in keynote speeches and presentations. They are tailored to the audience and content. Even though I speak most of the time, I try to include interactive elements, as this increases the motivation and attention of the audience significantly.
- Neuro-Diversity in the workplace, webinar organized by ifa and EUNIC
- Keynote “Diversity – challenges and opportunities of a societal reality“ Aranat and Tara 30 years for women in Lübeck, Germany
- 6. German Diversity Day Keynote: Where the diversity we go? Challenges and opportunities for a 21st century public service, State chancellery Thuringia, Germany
- International conference „Where are we now? And where to go?" Diversity as professional management concept and societal concept for more cohesion. TU Dortmund and Internationale society for Diversity Management. Keynote: „Implementation processes between management strategies and organisational day to day work”

Seminar and workshop groups benefit from my many years of experience as a seminar facilitator. I work with various groups / target groups, draw from a rich repertoire of methods and react flexibly to the processes of the learners and the group. My methods address learning with heart, hand and brain. I like to move people, both literally and metaphorically.
Examples from my work
- Teaching Diversity Management, Gender & Diversity at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen and the Free University Berlin
- Train the Trainer: Center for Intercultural Management University Bremen
- "Show attitude" - Volunteer Agency Bremen
- East/ West German (couple) relationships - Bildungswerk der evangelischen Kirche Bremen
- Working across generations - Caritas Nord, Berlin
- Workshop moderation: Brave New Work – ZIM Bremen conference
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0Au1m2w7v (german only)
Organisational Development
I coach and support individuals and organisations. Here, too, I work in a process-oriented and power-critical manner, trying to develop and strengthen inclusive and holistic positions.
Examples of my offer:
- Organisational development: holistic concept for implementing diversity and inclusion in an organization
- Dealing with dying, death and grieving in the organization